Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Conservative Party - 121 Seats / 34%
Liberal Party- 157 Seats / 33%---*
NDP - 24 Seats / 16%
Bloc Québécois - 32 Seats / 8%

Green Party - 3 Seats/ 6%
PPC - 1%
Others - 1%
*This Ranking is based on Popular Vote--but the Liberal party won the most seats and will head the government

Western Prairies
Alberta- Conservative{69%/33 Seats} Liberal {14%} NDP {11%} Green {3%} PPC {2%}
Saskatchewan- Conservative {64%/14 Seats} NDP {19%} Liberal{11%} Green {2%} PPC {2%}
Manitoba-  Conservative {46%/7 Seats} Liberal {26%/3 Seats} NDP {21%/4 Seats} Green {5%} PPC {2%}
West Coast
British Columbia- Conservative {34%/17 Seats} Liberal {26%/11 Seats} NDP {24%/11 Seats} Green {12%/2 Seats} PPC {2%} Independent {1 Seat}
Ontario- Liberal {41%/79 Seats} Conservative {33%/36 Seats} NDP {17%/6 Seats} Green{6%} PPC {2%}
Quebec-  Liberal {34%/35 Seats} Bloc Québécois {32%/32 Seats} Conservative {16%/10 Seats} NDP {11%/1 Seat} 
 Green {4%} PPC {1%}
Prince Edward Island- Liberal {44%/4 Seats} Conservative {27%} Green {21%} NDP {7%}
Nova Scotia- Liberal {41%/10 Seats} Conservative {26%/1 Seat} NDP {19%} Green {11%} PPC {1%}
New Brunswick- Liberal {37%/6 Seats} Conservative {33%/3 Seats} Green {17%/1 Seat} NDP {9%} PPC {2%}
Newfoundland- Liberal {44%/6 Seats} Conservative {28%} NDP {24%/1 Seat}  Green {3%}
Yukon- Liberal {33%/1 Seat} Conservative {33%} NDP {22%} Green {10%} PPC {1%} 
North West Territories- Liberal {40%/1 Seat} Conservative {26%} NDP {22%}  Green {11%} PPC {2%}
Nunavut - NDP {41%/1 Seat} Liberal {31%}  Conservative {26%} Green {2%}
--Ranked By Popular Vote--
Andrew Scheer (Conservative Party)
Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party)
Jagmeet Singh (NDP)
 Yves Francois Blanchet (Bloc Québécois)
Elizabeth May (Green Party)
Max Berneir (People's Party of Canada)

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